Mastering Database Migrations

A 6-week Coaching Program

Who should attend?

This coaching program is ideal for database engineers, developers, IT professionals, and anyone involved in database management and migration projects. Whether you're a beginner looking to gain foundational knowledge or an experienced professional seeking to enhance your skills, this program offers valuable insights and practical experience to help you excel in your database migration endeavors.


Basic knowledge in database development or administration.

Proficiency with SQL scripts.

Basic knowledge in Python

Basic understanding of GIT and Infrastructure as Code.

Coaching Objectives

Acquire a thorough understanding of the fundamentals, tools, and best practices of database migration.

Cultivate practical skills through engaging in hands-on projects and guided walkthroughs.

Receive personalized coaching and support tailored to address individual challenges and inquiries.

Engage in networking and collaborative opportunities with peers within a supportive learning environment. 

Hi, I'm Arockia Nirmal

Your Coach! 

I am a Data Engineer based in Germany, with almost a decade of professional international experience working with various databases across different sectors, ranging from large enterprises to startups. With a track record of successfully completing multiple database migration projects, I offer personalized one-on-one coaching sessions on database migrations.


Mastering Database Migrations is an intensive 6 week coaching program designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and practical experience needed to plan, execute, and optimize database migrations effectively. Led by an experienced database engineer, this program offers a structured curriculum covering essential concepts, tools, and techniques related to database migrations, supplemented by hands-on projects and personalized coaching sessions.

Program Structure

The coaching program spans six weeks, with each week focusing on specific aspects of database migrations.

Week 1: Introduction & Planning to Database Migrations

Fundamentals of database migrations - Common challenges and considerations - The ultimate migration checklist - Migration planning and strategy development - Pre-migration assessment and analysis - Risk assessment and mitigation strategies - Data migration governance and compliance considerations - Post-migration tasks and optimizations Case studies showcasing successful migration projects

Week 2: Tools and Technologies for Database Migrations

Overview of migration tools and technologies - Deep dive into AWS DMS (Database Migration Service) and SCT (Schema Conversion Tool) - Introduction to Terraform and version control systems (GIT) and best practices for managing migration, IaC scripts

Week 3: Schema and Data Migrations

Techniques for schema evolution and change management - Data extraction, transformation, and monitoring strategies - Change data capture and replication methodologies - Guided walkthrough of a demo project

Week 4: Testing & Test Automation

Introduction to white-box (structural) and black-box (functional and non-functional) testing from a database perspective - Test automation using Robot Framework, pytest/Great Expectations Python libraries - Test automation architecture & strategies - Demo projects

Week 5/Week 6: Project Work and Advanced Topics

Hands-on project work on a real-world migration scenario - Advanced topics including performance optimization, near-zero downtime migrations

Tailored Learning Experience

A strategy zoom call at the beginning of the program allows me to understand each participant's level of expertise and learning objectives. This personalized approach enables me to tailor the coaching program to meet the specific needs of each learner, ensuring a customized and effective learning experience from start to finish.

Exclusive Coaching Sessions

Throughout the program, participants will have access to personalized one-on-one coaching sessions with the program facilitator. These 45-minute sessions, held weekly, provide participants with the opportunity to clarify doubts, discuss challenges, and receive personalized guidance tailored to their individual learning needs and project requirements

Flexible Learning Schedule

In addition to the weekly 1x1 meetings, participants have the flexibility to work on their assigned topics at their own pace and convenience. This self-paced approach allows participants to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, review course materials, and complete project tasks according to their individual schedules, ensuring a customized and adaptable learning experience.

Join Today!

If you have any questions about the Database Migration Coaching Program or need clarification before making a decision, I am here to help! Feel free to contact me via email ([email protected]) or schedule a complimentary 30-minute zoom call with me. During this call, we can discuss your specific needs, address any concerns you may have, and explore how the coaching program can benefit you. I look forward to speaking with you soon and assisting you on your database migration journey! Click the button below to book your call now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to spend extra money on the project platform?

Yes, I utilize AWS cloud for the Demo project. Learners can make use of the free tier provided by cloud providers like AWS. Depending on the cloud provider, there are associated costs for the services used. Please ensure that you terminate the resources properly after the hands-on sessions or projects.

Will I receive an invoice after payment?

Upon purchasing the coaching, you will receive an invoice/receipt via email.

Can I pay as a business?

Yes, during checkout, you will have the option to enter your business VAT ID to exclude VAT from the payment.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

My aim is to enhance your understanding and proficiency in database migrations. However, as this is a coaching product and your success ultimately depends on your efforts, refunds are not available.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment. 

Conquer Database Migration Challenges

Check out my free guide. Explore proven strategies to overcome 14 most common database migration challenges